Setting the Scene
San Franciso is affiliated with the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), meaning SFVAHCS Veterans can access a world-class medical institution at VA prices. The innovation program was established in 2021 when I joined the facility as the first Innovation Specialist. The work detailed below is a collection of collaborations with industry partners to create new technology to address Veteran and clinician problems.
My efforts:
- Screen potential collaborators, work to scope each project, and draft Statment of Work documents.
- Facilitate clinician engagement and involvement in each collaboration.

- Run Discovery efforts and document findings to be shared with the project team through visual artifacts.
- Design solutions or provide guidance and feedback on solutions.

- Facilitate feedback with Veterans and clinicians. 
Transgender Community Building
Discovery Research
- Qualitative interviews guides were refined with SME feedback.
- Interviews included; Psychiatrists (3), Peer Support Specialists (5), Nurse Practitioners (3), Endocrine Clinicians (2), Psych Trainees (6)
- Interviews notes were coded and organized. The synthesis is included below.
Research Coding & Mapping:
Research Findings :

- The clinician experience included some very difficult documentation and process gaps but were deprioritized for this collaboration.
- The opportunity for some magic was between the clinician and Trans Veteran relationship and interactions.
- The proposed direction included providing important information when necessary, giving options for new interactions, and allowing the Veterans to build community with other trans femme, trans masc, and non-binary individuals.
A prototyped app that has been refined through Veteran feedback. The app is currently in development with the collaborator. 

- Building connection and community for Trans and non-binary Veterans regardless of where they are in the US.
- Mimic traditional in-person clinical interactions and allow Veterans to introduce themselves.
- Practice difficult interactions and receive feedback, as would be done in a clinical setting to prepare for real life.
- Learn and practice new skills, such as voice training and speech therapy, to build confidence while learning about others' experiences.
- Find helpful clinical and non-clinical resources to meet the Veterans' needs outside of clinical interactions.